When digital evidence and high technology intersect with the legal arena, legal specialists seek out our services. This includes assistance with understanding what relevant technologies exist, where they can be located, how to go about obtaining, analyzing, and finally, presenting, these often complex and challenging to understand subject matters.
Common technologies RDF is hired to assist with:
In criminal matters, we are frequently retained to provide digital forensic services in cases involving homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, sexual exploitation, child pornography, stalking, gang related issues, drug trafficking, human trafficking, unauthorized systems access, voyeurism, medical malpractice, forgery, fraud, espionage, arson, and robbery to name a select few.
The assistance we provide often begins with identifying the source of potential digital evidence, be it logs from a cellular service provider that demonstrate approximate physical locations, access, and historical incoming/outgoing transaction logs and stored in the "cloud" communications from social networking sites and/or applications, or simply files and Internet history stored on specific digital devices such as a phone or computer.Once the source of the evidence is located, we assist clients with obtaining the digital evidence. This can occur by providing the language to use in the request, drafting a declaration in support of the request or simply consulting on how the process will go.
Our digital forensics, mobile forensics, cellular tower plotting, and general high technology consulting services have been retained by both prosecutors and defense attorneys crossing the spectrum of criminal law case types from capital murder, kidnapping, espionage, sexual exploitation, solicitation, enticement, verification of alibi defenses, hacking/unauthorized access, fraud, embezzlement, arson, and armed robbery. Those who retain our services include all branches of the United States Armed Forces, state and federal public defenders, court-appointed/paneled attorneys, and privately retained law firms.
Common case types include: electronic medical record audit/verbose log collection and analysis, incident response, theft of proprietary information investigations, misuse of company systems, preservation of data due to employee departure, among many other topics.